
This class implements OrganizationMembership.


The roles associated with this membership.

firstName : string

The first name of the user associated with this membership.

lastName : string

The last name of the user associated with this membership.

email : string

The email of the user associated with this membership.


constructor(api, membership)

Create a new Membership object using the Organization API.

const info = await organizationApi.memberInfo(organizationId, membershipId)
const membership = new OrganizationMembershipWithMetadata(organizationApi, info)

static async fromMembership(membership)

Create a membership with metadata object from a normal membership.

const membership = await OrganizationMembershipWithMetadata.fromMembership(normalMembershipObject)

override async getRoles()

An override of OrganizationMembership.getRoles() that doesn't send a request to get the roles.

const roles = await membership.getRoles()

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